Because It Helps Maintain Lean Muscle Mass, Promote Satiety, And Boost Metabolism, Protein Is Frequently Heralded As An Essential Nutrient For Weight Loss. We Explore The Science Of Protein’s Potential To Help With Weight Loss On Wellhealthorganic.Com, Along With Offering Helpful Advice On How To Include Foods High In Protein In Your Diet For The Best Outcomes.
Overview Of Wellhealthorganic.Com:
A Reputable Internet Source, Wellhealthorganic.Com Promotes Holistic Health And Wellness By Offering Dietary Guidance, Lifestyle Recommendations, And Natural Therapies. The Website Provides Extensive Information On A Range Of Health Problems, Including The Importance Of Protein In Weight Loss, With An Emphasis On Organic Solutions.
When it comes to weight loss, protein isn’t exactly the most groundbreaking nutrient. Recall, for example, the Atkins diet, the well-known low-carb, high-protein diet on which you could eat bacon and burgers (hold the bun) and still lose weight.
And while it was a hot topic as recently as the early 2000s, “the concept actually dates back to the ’60s,” says Ken Fujioka, M.D., endocrinologist and director of the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego. “It keeps being recycled because it does work.”
Protein’s runaway popularity may have started with Atkins, but it certainly didn’t end there. It bears a health halo to this day, beloved by dietitians and gym-goers alike for its ability to promote healthy weight loss. But reaping its many benefits is not as simple—or as straightforward—as filling your plate with steak and eggs.
Let’s start with a quick refresher on physiology. Proteins are incredibly important just to keep the body running. Amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, serve as the precursors for hormones. On top of that, “protein is needed to repair the body,” says Fujioka. “Liver cells, kidney cells, bones—they’re always breaking down and remodeling. If you don’t have protein, you can’t do that, so protein is a limiting factor.”
The current recommended daily allowance of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, so consider that your minimum.
Can Protein Help You Lose Weight?
Increasing your protein intake beyond 0.8 grams per kilogram might be helpful for those looking to lose weight as long as it does not mean excess calories. “It can help with weight in that it can balance satiety, or our fullness factor,” says Melissa Majumdar, M.S., a registered dietitian at Emory University Hospital and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. While calorie restriction is typically required for weight loss, loading up on protein-rich foods can help you feel satisfied, and therefore less hungry, even within those caloric constraints.
This relates to hormones, which can trigger the body’s cues for both hunger and fullness. “When we eat a meal and it gets into our small intestines, we release hormones to tell us to stop eating—and protein is the best [at making us feel full],” explains Fujioka. To be specific, protein is better as a satiety signal than its fellow macronutrients, fat and carbohydrates.
Moreover, that fullness factor isn’t fleeting. “Studies show that it’s both with a single meal—so if your meal contained protein, then it would create more fullness—but also a 24-hour period,” says Majumdar. “So, over the course of the day, if there was more protein incorporated, that can control hunger better.”
Then there’s the fact that protein is a key player in creating muscle mass. “Whenever we lose weight, we naturally lose some of our lean muscle mass, and protein can help preserve that,” says Majumdar.
Its role in this respect becomes more important with each passing year. “Your body is constantly turning over these tissues,” says Kristen M. Beavers, Ph.D., an associate professor of health and exercise science at Wake Forest University. The rate of turnover fluctuates over your lifetime. Early on, you build more muscle mass than you lose. Once you hit your 30s and 40s, you’re breaking even. After that, there’s a loss of roughly 1 to 2% a year.
According to a 2020 review in Nutrients, about 50% of muscle fibers are lost by the age of 80. “One of the concerns we have with recommending weight loss for older adults is that when people lose weight, they want to lose fat—but some of what you lose is muscle and bone,” says Beavers. That could potentially lead to functional decline, increase the risk of disability and fracture, and promote all-around fragility. The goal, then, is to lose weight without sacrificing muscle and bone health, and a high-protein diet is a simple way to make that happen.
Finally, another reason protein is so helpful is that your body burns calories as it breaks down protein in your gastrointestinal tract, via a process called diet-induced thermogenesis. According to a 2020 study in the Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome the process of digesting protein burns up to three times the calories compared to digesting carbohydrates or fat. That said, “it’s just an incidental benefit,” says Fujioka. The little metabolic boost likely isn’t enough to offset the calories if you’re taking in too many calories as protein—but it’s still there.
Can You Eat Too Much Protein?
A protein-heavy diet comes with certain considerations. First, not everyone needs more protein; the standard American diet contains enough as it is, says Majumdar.
It’s helpful to check with your healthcare practitioner or a registered dietitian before drastically increasing your protein intake since it’s not ideal for people with certain medical conditions.
“Some individuals should not drive up their protein intake a lot, such as somebody with liver disease or kidney disease, or a fairly advanced type 2 diabetes,” says Fujioka. “Those individuals have to be very careful.”
Beyond that, one of the biggest (and best-known) concerns is that animal sources of protein, such as marbled beef and cheese, come with saturated fat. And a high intake of saturated fat can increase your risk for heart disease, as well as weight gain.
“If you see a lot of fat, particularly saturated fats, you can run into problems,” says Fujioka. “Protein, unfortunately, oftentimes comes with a lot of fat, and so patients really do want to pick either better fat sources or leaner forms of protein.”
Fujioka is a fan of chicken and fish, tofu, eggs, and rice and beans—a pairing, he says, that will “get you all of the essential amino acids.”
Beans, seeds, nuts and soy are also all good sources of protein. Unlike most other plant-based proteins, soy contains high amounts of essential amino acids. Soy-based foods are also highly praised by our experts.
“There are a lot of people who are down on [soy] because they’re worried about the phytoestrogens [being linked to certain cancers], but the data for that is extremely weak,” says Fujioka. “When you look at countries that have high soybean diets, they actually do well and actually have lower rates of breast cancer.”
Tips to Help You Lose Weight:
Eating more protein for the purpose of weight loss works best under certain conditions. A 2020 study published in Advances in Nutrition found that people primarily benefit from a higher protein intake when they’re also cutting calories and exercising. But simply adding more protein to your diet and calling it a day won’t deliver the weight loss you’re looking for. With that in mind, here’s how to do it right.
Get Lifting:
Weight training and other forms of resistance training are necessary to retain muscle mass as you’re losing weight and to maintain it when you’re not. A 2023 review in Nutrition Reviews found that resistance training alone led to a reduction in body fat, as did the combination of higher protein intake and resistance training. Not only does this combination help reduce body fat, but it simultaneously reduces body fat and increases muscle mass and strength.
Keep It in Balance:
“We’re not eating just protein,” says Majumdar. “So is it the protein that made you full, or is it that you had a balance of whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables?”
Other nutrients on your plate offer their own benefits for weight loss, partly by impacting your fullness factor. “We know that fat empties slowly and that fiber does also,” she says. For this reason, it’s a good idea to balance protein with other nutrients.
Knowing How Protein Affects Weight Loss:
Protein Is A Crucial Food For Anyone Trying To Lose Weight Since It Plays A Number Of Important Roles In The Process. The Website Wellhealthorganic.Com Investigates The Ways In Which Protein Affects Body Composition, Hunger Control, Metabolism, And Overall Success In Managing Weight.
Metabolism And Protein:
Protein Requires More Energy For The Body To Absorb And Metabolize Than Fats Or Carbs Due To Its Stronger Thermic Impact. Wellhealthorganic.Com Explores The Topic Of An Individual’s Efforts To Lose Weight May Be Supported By This Elevated Metabolic Rate, Which Can Assist Burn More Calories.
Protein And Fullness:
It Has Been Demonstrated That Protein Increases Sensations Of Satiety And Fullness, Which Can Lower Total Caloric Intake And Stop Overeating. The Website Wellhealthorganic.Com Investigates The Ways In Which Protein Affects Appetite Regulation And How Including Foods High In Protein In Meals And Snacks Might Reduce Cravings And Aid In Weight Loss.
Mass Of Lean Muscle And Protein:
Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass During Weight Loss Is Crucial For Maintaining Metabolic Health And Preventing The Loss Of Vital Muscle Tissue. Protein Helps People Maintain Their Muscle Mass While Losing Body Fat Since It Is Essential For Muscle Upkeep And Repair. A Look At The Role That Protein Plays In Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass During Attempts To Lose Weight.
Foods High In Protein To Help Lose Weight:
A Thorough List Of Foods High In Protein That Can Help With Weight Loss Can Be Found On Wellhealthorganic.Com. These Foods Include Dairy Products, Lean Meats, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Legumes, Nuts, And Seeds, As Well As Plant-Based Protein Sources. To Help With Weight Loss, Each Of These Foods Has Special Nutritional Advantages And Can Be Included In A Balanced Diet.
Timing And Distribution Of Proteins:
It’s Crucial To Think About The Time And Distribution Of Proteins Throughout The Day In Addition To Their Quantity. According To Wellhealthorganic.Com, Distributing Protein Consumption Equally Among Meals And Snacks Will Enhance Satiety, Promote Weight Loss, And Increase Muscle Protein Synthesis.
Supplementing With Protein To Lose Weight:
Although Complete Meals Need To Be The Main Source Of Protein In In Addition To A Balanced Diet, Protein Supplements Can Be A Practical Choice For People Trying To Achieve Certain Dietary Requirements Or Raise Their Protein Intake. Wellhealthorganic.Com Assesses Various Protein Supplement Kinds And Provides Advice On Selecting Premium Solutions That Help With Weight Loss Objectives.
Including Protein In Your Diet To Lose Weight:
For Effective Advice And Methods On Adding Foods High In Protein Into Your Weight Loss Regimen, Visit Wellhealthorganic.Com. These Pointers Can Assist You In Optimizing Your Protein Consumption And Achieving Long-Term Success In Achieving Your Weight Loss Objectives, From Meal Planning And Preparation To Mindful Eating And Portion Control.
Final Thoughts:
Because It Increases Satiety, Maintains Lean Muscle Mass, And Speeds Up Metabolism, Protein Is Essential For Aiding In Weight Loss. Wellhealthorganic.Com Provides Insightful Information About The Science Of How In Addition To Offering Helpful Advice On How To Include Foods High In Protein In Your Diet, Protein Can Help With Weight Loss. Protein Can Help People Lose Weight And Enhance Their General Health And Well-Being If They Prioritize It In Their Diet And Make Thoughtful Food Choices.